AutoTab Property
set the autoTab of <field> to <boolean> Applies to fields
The autoTab property enables the automatic tabbing feature. When the autoTab property is true, pressing the Return key on the Macintosh or the Enter key on Windows while in the last line of a field moves the insertion point to the next field on that card. When autoTab is false, pressing the Enter key (Windows) or the Return key (Macintosh) on the last line inserts a carriage return.
AutoTab follows the numeric sequence of the fields. Oracle Media Objects navigates from field to field on a card in the following order: if the current field is a field, the insertion point moves to the next-highest numbered field. If no other fields exist, the insertion point moves to the lowest-numbered background field. If you are currently in a background field, the insertion point moves to the next-highest numbered background field. If no more background fields exist, the insertion point goes to the lowest numbered field.
The default value of autoTab is false.
Try the following example,which illustrates the autoTab property.
2. Resize the two fields so each can display only two lines of text.
5. Press the Enter key twice for Windows. For the Macintosh, press the Return key twice.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.